Your brand represents more than a logo. It represents your business as a whole. It is a symbol of the way you do things.
Defining these key things will help you clarify your brand and will help you with how you talk about your business:
Define your target audience.
Define the goals you help them achieve.
Define what inner desires you meet for them.
Define what is preventing them from accomplishing those goals or meeting those needs without you.
Define how you help them meet their inner desires.
Define how you help them accomplish their goals.

Create a clear message that defines how you help your customers.
Logo | Website | Implementation Strategy | Social Media | Marketing | Etc.

Here's the mission statement we helped Gazelle Process & Investigations create:
"We help business and law firms (target audience) achieve closure (goal) with quickness, skill, and accuracy (how it's accomplished)."
That's what the Gazelle logo symbolizes: quickness, skill, and accuracy.

We helped that brand come alive for Gazelle through the design, implementation, and functionality of their logo and website. Their logo captures the symbolic nature behind their name and how it relates to their mission. Their website walks new clients through their brand and shows how Gazelle will transform them to help achieve closure with their case with quickness, skill, and accuracy.

"I've just got to say, Charlie is AWESOME."
-As a private investigator, he must remain faceless for security reasons.